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Give NOW to support self-sufficiency!

Give NOW to support self-sufficiency!
Support Family Success!
According to a survey conducted by the US Census Bureau, the median income for women living in the United States is 81% of the median income for men. This disparity often leads to a higher percentage of women living at or below the Federal Poverty Level (FPL). Women like Ashley. A single mother of four children, Ashley’s income made it difficult for her to find safe, affordable housing. Because of this, Ashley had little choice when she moved her family into a neighborhood known for violence. Exposure to this violence-filled her first-grade son Ricky with fear, causing him to begin acting out at school. Ashley’s concern for Ricky’s well-being led her to seek support through CMCA’s BRIDGE Program. The BRIDGE Program is a special program offered to the families of children who have graduated from the Head Start program. BRIDGE is designed to help transition children into elementary school by building strong, cooperative relationships between the child’s parent and his/her teachers.
“I could tell that Ashley was a hardworking woman and a dedicated mother,” said Molly, the Family Support Coach (FSC) assigned to Ashley. “She just needed some help, and I was ready to do whatever I could to assist her.”
After talking with Ashley, Molly set up a meeting between Ashley and Ricky’s teacher where they worked together to develop a behavioral modification plan for Ricky. Ricky also began seeing a counselor to address the trauma he experienced due to his exposure to violence in his neighborhood. Through these efforts, Ricky began to show improvement in his ability to control his emotions and was able to engage more positively at school.
When Ashley realized the impact of the violence on her son caused by living in a violent neighborhood, she used all the financial resources she had to move her family to a safer neighborhood. When Molly found out what Ashley was paying in rent she said,
“I knew that the family wouldn’t be able to afford that level of rent forever, so I began to talk to Ashley about the USDA home loan program.”
Working together, Molly helped Ashley complete the paperwork necessary to apply for a home loan, and soon Ashley was approved to purchase her first house!
“Because of CMCA, the BRIDGE Program, and our Family Success Coach, my family is doing so much better,” says Ashley. “My son is doing well in school now and we love our new house! I never dreamed I’d ever be a homeowner!”
Helping families like Ashley's find a new home is one of the many ways that CMCA supports self-sufficiency. Our work is only possible when neighbors like you choose to give!
Your gift of $10, $25, $50, or more to the CMCA Support Self-Sufficiency campaign will help families facing difficult situations, like the Ashley's, receive needed support to get back on their feet and not only survive but THRIVE!
Donating is easy and will have a positive and lasting impact in your community!
Donate online or send a check, made payable to Central Missouri Community Action, to CMCA, 807 N. Providence Rd, Columbia, MO 65203. All funds collected through this campaign will provide support to families in need.
Thank you for supporting family success!